Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teen Drinking by Kristina Delikat

Teenage drinking is very common in this generation..there's teens who think it's the coolest thing to do and teens who are totally against it. Truth is, your body can be very effected by the alcohol or liquor you consume. It can damage your heart, liver, pancrease, etc. Many teens drink to deal with stress, depression and anxiety, which is very common. If you're having issues, don't jump right to drinking, try to get some help from someone like a friend, family member or teacher. 11% of alcohol is consumed by teenagers in the United States, that percentage really needs to come down.
Ways we can find that solution would be:
* http://www.madd.org/underage-drinking/the-power-of-parents/high-school-parents/highschool-teensafe2.html
* http://underagedrinking.samhsa.gov/

For help and stories of other kids:
* http://www.teenbreaks.com/confidence/peerpressure.cfm