Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an illness that people can get from different terrible events. People who are or were living through or experiencing a traumatic event would have this. You feel stressed and you don’t want to do anything. People with past traumatic stress disorder may have flashbacks, can’t sleep, feeling alone, have angry outbursts, and have different feelings. You can be any age and have post traumatic stress disorder. They avoid people and other things that might make them remember the event.
There are three different types of therapy solutions. One way is a behavior therapy which teaches you to relax and how to cope with the event that occurred. The second is a group therapy which gives people the chance to talk to other people that know what it’s like and they know what they are talking about. It helps more people with their problems then any of the other therapies. You can talk with other people that have problems similar to you. The final way is cognitive therapy which helps people to learn how to think positive and not negative thoughts.
People with PTSD have a hard time getting through life. It's harder for them because it was something terrible that they went through and once it's done you can't take it back. It is also harder for them because it would be hard for them to get along with people because they don't want to remember what happened to them. Finally people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder have more difficulties then people that don't have it.
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